Resignation from Openswan

December 15 2012

One year ago, I reluctantly resigned from Xelerance Corporation, a company I helped found in 2003. Shortly thereafter, it became clear that Xelerance and I disagreed about a number of things, including who or what should control the “Openswan” name. Lawsuits were exchanged and, after having been in litigation for almost a year, Xelerance and I settled our claims against one another and severed our remaining business ties.


Openswan 2.6.38 was the last release for me as a member of The Openswan Project and this message marks the end of my participation on the Openswan email lists. Xelerance now controls the Openswan domains and will manage them as it sees fit.

I wish to thank everyone who assisted me by providing affidavits on behalf of The Openswan Project. I will continue to develop free and opensource software, and will continue to help people in their quest to use IPsec to increase their security and protect their privacy on the internet.


Those activities are now happening over at The Libreswan Project, and on the FreeNode IRC #swan channel where I and practically all other former FreeS/WAN and Openswan developers are actively working on IPsec. Feel free to join the irc channel if you have any questions regarding libreswan or openswan. If you are still pondering whether to migrate to libreswan or stick with openswan, perhaps have a look at the activity of both projects.

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